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Lynn Miller ~with heartfelt sympathy~ May 11, 2012
My deepest sympathy goes out to Shayla's family and sorry for your loss.   Shayla will be truly missed by all who knew her...she warmed the hearts of everyone who ever met her.  Her beautiful smile and her genuine kindness will always be remembered.  May she rest in peace.   May God give you strength in the many tough days ahead...and the beautiful, happy memories you hold in your heart bring you some comfort.  
Dawn Gunnlaugson Sweet Shayla will be so missed May 9, 2012
To Shayla's family and friends - We are so sorry for your huge loss.  It is such a sad and confusing time for all of you.  Lean on God - he is really there for you. Ask for courage and strength and to be able to laugh - that is what is what we reflect on when we think of healthy Shayla when she worked at Cote's - she loved to laugh and smile, helpful, kind, her beautiful big eyes and always game to tease Ben and Dane at work.  She is in complete peace now.  We will never forget her.  Dan, Dawn, Ben and Dane Gunnlaugson 
Danielle Miss you Shayla! May 9, 2012
My deepest sympathies go out to Shayla's husband & family.. I was her hairdresser for 3 years and I remember her always being so happy and full of laughter.... she will be greatly missed!! xoxoxox 
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